Adam Lamb Preschool
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Monthly Highlights

Junior Kindergarten
February 2025

Dear Parents,

Our theme this month is Our Multicultural World. We will take imaginary trips around the world to learn about different cultures, animals, plants, food, clothing, music, languages, etc. We will be concluding the unit with a fun International Dress-up Day on Thursday, February 27. So, begin thinking about those costumes now!


Other topics this month will include AB, AAB, ABB, and ABC patterns, numbers 14, 15, and 16, the attractive property of magnets, and the exploration of rocks. We will be covering letters P, Q, and R, and be introduced to sight words by, my, me, he, and she.  


  Our memory Bible verse for February is “A friend loves at all times,” Proverbs 17:17. Our Bible stories will include Jesus’ Friends Follow Him, Jesus Tells Us to Share the Good News, and David Is a Brave Boy.  


  Our Valentine’s Day Celebrations will be on Wednesday, February 14th. The children will exchange Valentines cards. Please DO NOT address your child’s Valentines to specific children in the class. Address the cards as follows:



TO: My friend

FROM: Your child’s name


This will make it easier for the children to pass out their Valentine cards.  

  We do want to encourage the children to sign their own name to their cards. This is great practice for them. Gently remind them to use lower case letters. Only the first letter in their name should be capitalized. You may want to do just a few cards at a time to make the task easier for your little one.  


  A note was sent home in January with the number of kids in each class. A room parent may reach out to you asking for help with donations for the party. Parents and Guardians are invited to the classroom party. Unfortunately, siblings are not included.


  Wednesday, February 12th is Pajama Day! To celebrate the letter P, we will have a pajama party. The children may wear their favorite pajamas to school and will have a popcorn party in the classroom.

Wednesday, February 19th will be Q-Tip Day for the letter Q. We will do activities with qtips in the classroom. You do not need to bring anything.

  Wednesday, February 26th will be Red Day for letter R. Wear the color red to school. 

  There will be No School on Thursday, March 6, and Friday, March 7, due to Pre-Kindergarten (PK) and Junior Kindergarten (JK) parent/teacher conferences. Your teachers will share more information concerning Parent/Teacher Conferences in mid-February. Please make sure to sign up for a conference time posted outside the classroom door.

 Here are the words to a cute Valentine song.  


Valentine (Tune: Love Me Tender)

You’re my rainbow. You’re my star. 

You’re my bright red cookie jar.  

You’re my daisy. You’re my vine. 

You’re my own true Valentine.  

Highlight these dates on your calendar:


Thursday, February 1

Tuition is due.

Tuesday, February 4

Story Time with Ms. Laurie

Wednesday, February 5

 Chapel with Miss Karen

Wednesday, February 12

P.J. and Popcorn Day for Letter P

Thursday, February 13

Valentine Party @ 2p.m.

Wednesday, February 19

 Chapel with Miss Karen

Q-Tip Day for Letter Q

Wednesday, February 26

Chapel with Ms. Karen

Red Day for Letter R

Thursday, February 27

Today is International Dress-up Day!

Thursday, March 6

Parent/ Teacher Conferences!

February 2025

​Dear Parents,

  Our theme this month is Friends Around the World. We will discuss the qualities found in someone who is a good friend, as well as take imaginary trips around the world to learn about different cultures, animals, plants, food, clothing, music, languages, etc. We will conclude the unit with a fun International Dress-up Day on Friday, February 28. So, begin thinking about those costumes now!


  Other topics this month will include AB and ABC patterns, an introduction to numbers 9–11, the attractive property of magnets, and the exploration of rocks. We will be covering letters P, Q, and R.  


  Our memory Bible verse for February is “A friend loves at all times,” Proverbs 17:17. Our Bible stories will include Jesus’ Friends Follow Him, Jesus Tells Us to Share the Good News, and David Is a Brave Boy.  


  We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with a party in the classroom on Wednesday, February 14th. Please DO NOT address your child’s Valentines to specific children in the class. Address the cards as follows:


TO: My friend

FROM: Your child’s name


This will make it easier for the children to pass out their Valentine cards.  

  We do want to encourage the children to sign their own name on their cards. This is great practice for them. Gently remind them to use lower case letters. Only the first letter in their name should be capitalized. You may want to do just a few cards at a time to make the task easier for your little one. 


  A note was sent home in January with the number of kids in each class. A room parent may reach out to you asking for help with donations for the party. Parents and Guardians are invited to the classroom party. Unfortunately, siblings are not included.


  Wednesday, February 12, is Pajama Day! To celebrate the letter P, we will have a pajama party. The children may wear their favorite pajamas to school.

Wednesday, February 19th will be Q-Tip Day for Letter Q. We will be doing special activities in the class with q-tips. You do not need to provide anything for this day.  

  Wednesday, February 26th will be Red Day for Letter R. Please wear red clothes to school!

  There will be No School on Thursday, March 6, and Friday, March 7, due to Pre-Kindergarten (PK) and Junior Kindergarten (JK) parent/teacher conferences. Your teachers will share more information concerning Parent/Teacher Conferences in mid-February. Please make sure to sign up for a conference time posted outside the classroom door.  

Here are the words to a cute Valentine song.  


Valentine (Tune: Love Me Tender)

You’re my rainbow. You’re my star.  

You’re my bright red cookie jar.  

You’re my daisy. You’re my vine. 

You’re my own true Valentine.  



Highlight these dates on your calendar:


Saturday, February 1

Tuition is due.

Monday, February 3

Story Time with Ms. Laurie

Wednesday, February 5

Chapel with Miss Karen

Friday, February 7

Fun and Fitness with Ms. Sarah

Wednesday, February 12

P.J. and Popcorn Day for Letter P

Friday, February 14

Valentine’s Day Celebration 

Monday, February 17

Today is President’s Day!


Wednesday, February 19

Chapel with Miss Karen

Q-Tip Day for Letter Q

Wednesday, February 26

Chapel with Miss Karen

Red Day for Letter R

Friday, February 28

 Today is International Dress-up Day!

Thursday, March 6

Parent/ Teacher Conferences!


Friday, March 7

Parent /Teacher Conferences!



First Year Preschool
February 2025

Dear Parents,

  Our theme for this month is Friendship and Community. We will discuss the qualities found in a good friend and learn about community helpers. Community helpers are people who have jobs that serve others, and are people who we can trust… doctors, police officers, fire fighters, etc. We will conclude this unit with a community helper dress-up day on Thursday, February 29. Start planning your costume now. Your child’s teacher can give you some great suggestions too. Other topics this month will include a review of meaningful counting from 0-5, and light, shadows, and reflection.  


  Our memory Bible verse for February is A friend loves at all times, Proverbs 17:17. Our Bible stories will include Finding a Friend, Jesus’ Friends Follow Him, and Jesus Grows Up to Do His Father’s Work.


  Our Valentine’s Day celebrations will be held on Thursday, February 13th. The children will exchange Valentine cards. Please DO NOT address your child’s Valentines to a specific individual in the class. 


Address the cards as follows:

TO: My friend

FROM: Your child’s name

This will make it easier for the children to pass out their Valentine cards. A note was sent home in January with the number of kids in each class. Your room parent may reach out to you asking for help with donations for the party. Parents and Guardians are invited to the classroom party. Unfortunately, siblings are not included.

There will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday, March 6. Our teachers will be conducting Junior Kindergarten (JK) and Prekindergarten (PK) parent/teacher conferences. There are no scheduled conferences for the First Year Preschool (FYP) children. However, we will be sending home information regarding your child’s progress at the end of April. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s development, please contact your child’s teacher.  



Here are the words to a Valentine song.


Valentine (Tune: Love Me Tender)

You’re my rainbow. You’re my star. 

You’re my bright red cookie jar.

You’re my daisy. You’re my vine. 

You’re my own true Valentine.

Highlight these dates on your calendar:


Thursday, February 1

Tuition is due.

Tuesday, February 4

Story Time with Ms. Laurie

Thursday, February 6

Chapel with Miss Karen

Tuesday, February 11

Fun and Fitness with Ms. Sarah

Thursday, February 13

Valentine Party

Thursday, February 20

Chapel with Miss Karen

Thursday, February 27

Today is Community Helper Dress-Up Day!

Thursday, March 6

News and AnnouncementsApproved Snack List

About Adam Lamb Preschool

Adam Lamb Preschool offers a Christian based early childhood educational program for children 3 - 5 years of age. We are conveniently located in the Dardenne Presbyterian Church in Dardenne Praire, MO and serve the surrounding areas of New Melle, O'Fallon, St. Charles, St. Peters, and Winghaven. Adam Lamb Preschool has been part of these communities since 1987.

Copyright © 2012 Adam Lamb Preschool. All rights reserved.